Monday, December 21, 2020

Rupert of Deutz and Transubstantiation

Q. Did Rupert advocate the Roman dogma of transubstantiation?

Rupert, Abbot of Deutz (c. 1075/80-1129 A.D.):

When the priest distributes the sacrifice in the mouth of the faithful, bread and wine are taken and passed away

(J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1894], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus CLXX, Ruperti Abbatis Tuitiensis, De Divinis Officiis., Lib. II, Cap. IX, Col. 40). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], p. 195). Here

You must attribute all to the operation of the Holy Ghost, who never spoils or destroys any substance He useth, but to that natural goodness it had before, adds an invisible excellency which it had not. 

(J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1854], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus CLXVII, Ruperti Abbatis Tuitiensis, De Trinitate Et Operibus Ejus Lubri XLII, In Exod. Lib. II, Cap. X, Col. 617). Here Trans. (John Cosin, The History of Popish Transubstantiation, edited by John Sherren Brewer, [1840], p. 183). Here 

~ Soli Deo Gloria

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Church History, Transubstantiation, and John Ch. 6

Q. Did the Patristic authors have the same exegetical understanding of the sixth chapter of John that the modern Roman Church has? Q.1. Fr...