Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Bede the Venerable and Transubstantiation

Q. Did Bede advocate the Roman dogma of transubstantiation?

Bede, the Venerable (c. 672/3-735 A.D.):

Nor from the holy supper, in which He delivered to the disciples the figure of His holy body and blood. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1862], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCIII, Bedæ Venerabilis, In Psalmorum Librum Exegesis. In Psalmum III, Col. 495). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], p. 244). Here

The solemnity of the ancient Passover being finished, which was celebrated in commemoration of the ancient liberation from Egypt, He passed to the new, which He desires to frequent in memory of her redemption. That, forsooth, substituting for the flesh or blood of a lamb the Sacrament of His own flesh and blood in the figure of bread and wine, He might show that it was He, to Whom the Lord swore and it shall not repent Him: Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1862], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCII, Bedæ Venerabilis, In Lukæ Evangelium Expositio,  Lib VI, Caput XXII, Col. 596). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], p. 228). Here

He, after his resurrection going up into heaven, forsook them corporally, which notwithstanding never failed them concerning the presence of his divine majesty. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1850], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCIV, Bedæ Venerabilis, Sect. I, Homiliæ, Lib. II, Hom. Genuinæ, Homilia XI (In Vigilia Pentecostes), Col. 190). Here Trans. (Thomas Becon, The Catechism of Thomas Becon, S.t.p. Chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer, Prebendary of Canterbury, &c., Ed. John Ayre, [Cambridge University Press, 1844], p. 275). Here

But if purity was so strictly required of him, who should eat the typical bread sanctified by the hands of Moses, how much more necessary is it for him to have regard to purity, who is about to receive the bread which was taken in the holy and venerable hands of Christ, which was consecrated for a Sacrament of His body, which was committed to mortals for a memorial of His death, for a succor of life everlasting. (John Allen Giles, The Complete Works of Venerable Bede, Volume VIII, [1844], Venerabilis Bedæ, In Samuelem Prophetam, Allegorica Expositio, In Lib. I, Caput XXII, p. 145). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], p. 228). Here

The immolation of the Passover represents the glory of the resurrection, when all the elect are renewed by the flesh of the immaculate Lamb, that is, our God and Lord, no longer believing in a sacrament, but seeing in reality and truth. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1850], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCI, Bedæ Venerabilis, In Esdram Et Nehemiam Prophetas Allegorica Expositio, Lib. II, Caput VIII, Col. 858). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], p. 228). Here

And therefore our Redeemer is said to be a priest according to the order of Melchisedec, because, having done away with sacrifices of the law, He ordained the same kind of sacrifice to be offered for the mystery of His body and blood in the New Testament. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1862], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCIV, Bedæ Venerabilis, Sect. I, Homiliæ. Lib. II, Hom. Genuinæ., Homilia XIII, Col. 203). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], p. 187). Here

Now even she (the Church ) receives the pledge of life by the Sacraments of His flesh and blood; and in the future, it is blessed by present sight. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1850], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCI (Tomus Secundus), Bedæ Venerabilis, Super Parabolas Salomonis Allegorica Expositio., Lib. I, Cap. III, Col. 952). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], p. 214). Here

But the man who, having set out on a journey, left his house, is doubtless Christ, Who, ascending to the Father after the resurrection a victor, left the Church bodily, which yet he never left destitute of the protection of His Divine presence, remaining in it all days, even unto the end of the world. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1850], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCIV (Tomus Quintus), Bedæ Venerabilis, Sect. I, Homiliæ, Lib. III, Hom. Subdititiæ, Homilia LXXX (In Festo Confessorum Quarta), Col. 470). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], pp. 214-215). Here

The poor eat and shall be filled eternally, because they shall understand in the bread and wine, visibly set before them, something invisible; namely, the true body and true blood of the Lord , which are true food and drink, whereby not the belly is distended, but the mind feasted. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1850], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCIII, Bedæ Venerabilis, In Psalmorum Librum Exegesis., In Psalmum XXI, Col. 597). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], p. 195). Here

But Christ was in a certain sense borne in His own hands, when in the last supper He offered to His disciples bread which had been blessed and commended by his own mouth, saying: This is My blood, etc. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1850], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCIII, Bedæ Venerabilis, In Psalmorum Librum Exegesis., In Psalmum XXXIII, Col. 652-653). Here Trans. (J. H. Treat, The Catholic Faith; Or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome Contrary to Scripture and the Teaching of the Primitive Church, [1888], p. 195). Here

He (Christ), being God and man, was taken up in his humanity, which he took of the earth; but, as concerning his divinity, he abideth still with his saints on the earth, wherewith he filleth earth and heaven. (J. P. Minge, Patrologiæ Cursus Completus, [1850], Patrologiæ Latinæ, Tomus XCIV, Bedæ Venerabilis, Sect. I, Homiliæ, Lib. II, Hom. Genuinæ, Homilia III (In Feria Sexta Inter Octavam Paschæ), Col. 146). Here Trans. (Thomas Becon, The Catechism of Thomas Becon, S.t.p. Chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer, Prebendary of Canterbury, &c., Ed. John Ayre, [Cambridge University Press, 1844], p. 275). Here

~ Soli Deo Gloria

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